10.I could still be in bed, right now. There could be a spawnkitty biting me or pouncing on my tummy cause I'm breathing but I would be in bed nevertheless.
9.The bus seats are uncomfortable and someone is always smelly (sometimes it's me, but it's always someone).
8.Those little side 'desk' panels in the chair that you hurt your back if you use and tend to have gum stuck to them and are squeaky.
7.My feet hurt an insane amount do they hurt they hurt so bad ouchy ouchy (the point to this one is that I have to wear shoes at school).
6.All the note taking has made the pinky side of my right palm blue with ink.
5.My frantic last second homemade lunches usually consists solely of baby carrots and my advanced night eyesight is useless because I'm too tired to stay up late.
4.I have fallen asleep twice while studying on my futon is which freakishly uncomfortable and pokey with sharp boards and unyeilding with lumpy 'cushioning'.
3.School keeps me away from my Spike, aka.spawnkitty, whom I love so very much, but who needs a lot of attention or he does things like climb doorways, attack the carpet, knock stuff off of heights, kill anything plastic, eat toilet paper, and other general bad-kitty-goddammit stuff.
2.14 midterms, two papers, a presentation, three quizzes, and four final exams. What the hell is up with that?
1.It's called statistics. It reigns from hell.
kisses and hugs sweetie.
Just think - this is all about never working at Wendy's again!
Well, it is a concern of mine as well. I don't know if you have ever heard me screaming 'think of the damage deposit you stupid cat!' but it does happen.
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