Monday, June 06, 2005

Bears rule and flesh eating disease doesn't

Thank you for the poetry Bears! Most wonderful indeed. So I got up to the news this morning: someone 'toppled' from a bridge into a river and drowned, someone died from the flesh eating disease in PG (it started with you Jenn!), and someone is poisoning dogs. Least to say, I turned off my radio, pulled my covers over my head, and went back to sleep. Consequently, that whole plan of mine to get to the school early to study for french was rather moot. I have caught on up my blogging a tad however. I had a theme weekend; knitting and Buffy (season 5). We had a crazy thunder storm last night and it caused the power to go off for (oh-just saw that cute guy I like...) about 5 seconds but it reset all my clocks and I had to phone my mom to get the time. I still have no idea how I set the clock on my stove for daylight savings time so right now I'm leaving it where it is. It's nearly exactly 4.5 hours ahead so that was neat. This is an odd blog. I always think of interesting topics to write about, like the significance of a show like 'extreme home makeover' good or bad? or my issues with convocation, or why Buffy couldn't have loved Riley and why he was doomed and should have left much sooner, or on vital issues (not politics like Julia because I just don't get them but I'm trying) but like other issues that I know some stuff about but not really so actually I think it's a good thing I don't talk about some issues cause a whole lotta you intellectual types read my blog and I imagine you read it for some kinda of comic relief and if I did bring up an issue you would all start discussing it and then I'd get really lost and then just copy and paste something out of the Globe and Mail and that would be wrong. Well, I'm going to class now. Tata!


Julia said...

what have you got against flesh eating disease

jenn said...

wait till you see my toe.

Julia said...

you're it honey... (i don't know how to link to the blog in the comment.. so you're just gonna have to come to my blog to see)

Anonymous said...

Just in case it wasn't clear, Jenn didn't get the flesh-eating disease currently devouring her toe in New York City.

Though there has been an outbreak since she left...

*raised eyebrow*


The Bears said...

A girl got attacked by a Bear? A Bear like us, or a flesh-n-blood bear? Probabloo a flesh-n-blood bear.

We fully support our flesh-n-blood broo, and we maintain that Bears Baitoo is evil. But we have to admit, some flesh-n-blood bears do have a bit of a temper issue.

We told Jim and Jenn, if they see a bear in PG, and it's not a Bear like us, instead of talking to him and inviting him over for a sit down on the sofa and some caaaandy, it's better to run. Or to play dead. One or the other--we forget which.

OK Bye