When Mom got here she helped me a lot with, well, everything and also helped me with my living room. It was actually nice because a good friend gave me two bookshelves so for once I actually had space for all my stuff. We also moved things around which is fun and exciting. Spike is exhausted from the day.
Here is the daybed moved up against the far wall (ignore the rumpled look- it's still in process) with my shoerack beside it and my new knitting on it (see Part II). On the wall is a Georgia O'Keefe and a Shaun Tan both from the Vancouver Art Gallery- remants of shows I've seen. Oh- and my frog calendar.
And not many pictures of my bedroom but I did want to show you my new yarn storage system (besides the yarn in my living room and on my daybed). Jenn bought me one of those spiffy things that hang down from your ceiling and I put very special yarn in it. My knitting needles and magazines went on one shelf, my knitting books on another, and more yarn on the top and other one there.
I am tired.
Oh, your apartment looks wonderful!!!!
That must have been so much work for you two. And great timing. I was just thinking that if we visit in April Malcolm would destroy so many things - but now we might be able to contain the damage!
Love the DPN holders! You're so cunning. :) I give you huge kudos for doing a spring cleaning. You're my hero.
I think I'm going to steal you dpn holder idea and expand it to all my needles. Beautiful!
LOVE the new look for your apartment!!!!! yay for organizing and for showcasing all of your creative power.
and, i couldn't tell you on facebook since my bro's on it, but i finished my very first sweater. it's for my niece and i finished it!!! i'll send you pics once i've totally finished it.
and i'm in agreement with everyone here since i too think the dpn idea is great!
xo j
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