Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tomorrow To Do List

I have decided to blog my to do list for tomorrow. Just thought I would clarify my title in case you are drunk and hence confused.
  • Clean bathroom (sigh)
  • Tidy (put away books, bobby pins, CDs, knitting projects and associated knickknacks {yarn labels, yarn, scissors, knitting magazines, stitch markers}, and my drawing stuff {erasers, pencils, sketchbook, pens [the uber good ones]})
  • Put away laundry ie. put clothing in drawers or in closer (hung up). Revolutionary.
  • Go to work (gimme)
  • Write personal letters (3) and mass email to let people know I'm going home for a week.
And that is it. Now that I have blogged, maybe I will actually do at least a few of the things on this list.


jenn said...

Well, I think you did the bathroom part! But then someone with kitty litter paws jumped in the tub.

And I don't think it was Jim, depsite what he said.

AngelaRae said...

Leone, you're gonna L-O-V-E the harlot. The Yarn Harlot, to be specific.