Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Wheee! Mwahahaa!

So, I was having a day. You know, those days, where you don't want to knit, or draw, or read, or watch TV, or phone anybody, or go outside (hot and smokey), and you don't feel overly well because you still aren't over that stupid cold you got two weeks ago and you still cough up a lung every few hours, and basically, you are a big mope. (I mean, I don't even want to play sims!)

I decided to get some productivity done, cause sometimes that helps. So I put away the dishes and put on a load of laundry and swept and made more coffee. Felt a little better, than I decided to just check my email to see if that person who stood me up on Canada has written me an apology email yet (boys can be stupid, no?) and what do I see?

A NEW knitty issue has come out! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (I saw that when I went to check my email because I get an email notification for new issues) I'm so psyched and I wasn't even expecting it so I am doubly thrilled! I'm going to get myself a cup of coffee, fluff the cushions, arrange the fans for opt cooling and read patterns all afternoon! I am so giddy. I first read the article by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, who is the Yarn Harlot, who I have a major blog-crush on. But yes, life is good. The article has tonnes of sock and glove patterns which is crazy because that is my current knitting theme! Sppppoooky. The Bears and I will pick out our favorites and let you know later, I also keep on meaning to blog the picture of my REAL sock that I'm knitting. You know, a sock that will actually fit a human foot. And I'm planning on knitting two of them! (I'm completely serious you know)

Woohoo! Happy happy Wednesday!

Oh, and a belated Happy America Day to my beloved Americans! Hug hug!


Annika said...

I meant to leave a comment yesterday but then I spent two hours reading the new Knitty. And I don't even want to make socks! Well, not much. I am on a sweater and soaker kick ((or is that two separate kicks?).

AngelaRae said...

So pretty! I want to knit socks and fingerless gloves, but I'm a one project at a time kinda girl for knitting (not so for cross-stitch), and I'm still working on my boob tube from SnBN.

Jim said...

A belated Happy America Day to my first-time American-in-Law!

See you soon.
