- if you press snooze on your alarm clock, and also bump the regular time up by three minutes (to shorten the snooze time), your alarm won't go off.
- apparently, people will party on Halloween night, even if it's a Wednesday.
- Spike hates fireworks and I think my neighbours spent their entire month's rent on them. It's been three hours.
- I'm such a lucky person to be receiving the sweetest packages in the mail from all over (Canada, America, & Bangladesh). They make me happy like chocolates and bananas. I mean, I knew this one before today, but it bears repeating. Hi Bears!
- if you live in a small apartment, don't go buy Halloween candy because you will get NO trick or treaters. But don't worry- you can manage to pawn a lot of it off on your friends.
- if you drink those coolers your friends bring you, and knit... you will be frogging a lot of stitches. Grandpa's sweater will not get finished by Xmas at this rate.
- 50% of students will get the Medusa thing, the other 50% will think you are Jack Sparrow (dreads).
- Moms are just priceless. Priceless.
- teaching a guy how to knit a scarf for his girlfriend is so much fun.
- it's 11:20pm and I won't be sleeping for awhile yet (see points 2 and 3)
Peace, yo.