It reminded me of a conversation I had with other student teachers in the staffroom at lunch on Monday.
Person 1: I've never watched Lord of the Rings. It's not my type of movie.
Person 2: It's not mine either but you see, there is this character named Legolas.
Me: Yeah.
Person 2: Yeah, and that scene with the jumping on the horse?
Person 1: What?
Me: Yeah.
Person 3: Oh yeah.
But it is past my bedtime and I am tired. So I leave you with a picture of my cat being friendly with my cloth grocery bags. He is very very sneaky.
Ahhhhhhhh, Legalos. Elves baby, all the way!
Spike says, I am earthy.
Hi, Spike!
*much waving of Bears to environmentooloo-conscious Spike*
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