The silver lining? Firstly, I went to the doctor and he diagnosed the asthma, which is very good. Second of all, watching so much Buffy means I notice random things. In Lover's Walk (3:8) there is this mask/booby thing on the Magic store owners wall, and in Halloween (2:6) it is on Ethan Rayne's store wall as well. See I got smarter while I was sick!
And thank goodness for visits from Mom where she makes a tonne of vegetable soup and freezes it. Seriously, I have survived because of that.
In knitting news we have some upsets to discuss. You know how I put you all through the mass toy voting 08? Um... I have discovered I'm not one for knitting toys. I don't know why. I may yet knit some of them but I just couldn't start. However I did randomly pick up some needles and yarn and knit this guy.
Oh and I knit this hat last weekend. Super easy and fast. Knit him while watching some Bollywood. I'm sure it will look less dorky on a beeb head. Beeb!
And finally, this is the only good picture I have of my new duvet cover. I love it beyond reckoning. All blue and brown and giant flowers.
Blogger ate my comment....
Duvet awesome. Chuck ate a whole through ours the other day while in a stare-down with Rupert.
Love the hats, soakers, leggings as we can show those off in public and I love things that are wearable. Spur of the moment knitted toy also awesome!
This comment better work...
A hole. A HOLE. This is what happens when I don't really think the comment is going to go through and I'm cheesed after writing a rather long nicer version moments before.
Holy snapola. Look at all that stuff you finished! I totally love your Elefante, and am so impressed by all your nephew goodies. Wow!
BTW, I got my Christmas present and I HEART IT!!! Thank you SO much, and I will give my beautiful yarn its due on my blog very soon. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
And, umm, feel better soon, okay?
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