Saturday, March 06, 2010

Head's catching up with the eyes

My friend Darcy made that comment upon seeing Lala for the second time on Thursday.

She's still got those big eyes (the vet commented on them) but as we know so does Spike so they can be Bette Davis siblings.

Here's them napping together. Can you see the Lala? I actually freaked because it took me awhile to find her here.
I was actually very happy because Spike adjusted to Lala so much quicker than anyone expected. They aren't best buddies or anything but he's gone from the denial stage of 'if-I-don't-look-at-you-you-don't-exist' to mild acceptance. They play now a little, and I leave them alone together.

They are so similar. Both love small spaces, drinking out of my water glass, chasing treats, and killing the yoga mat.

Lala, unfortunately, has some allergies, which makes her quite a modern day kitten if you ask me. We don't know if it's plastic or chicken she's allergic too so I'm cutting out both. I'm going to slowly adjust her over to hypo-allergenic food over the next month. Poor thing was developing acne on her chin and was starting to lose hair off her ears!!! I mean, I love the fact that she's part manx (the tail) and polydactyl (the toes) which the vet said was pretty rare, but those are both really cool things! Acne and hair loss not so much with the cute.

Lala was so great at the vet. So different from Spike. So very very different. No technicians were called in. No giant oven gloves. No wounds. No howling from the depths of hell. She was really done with it all after her final shots but once I got her home she was fine. She even had blood drawn without being sedated first! During the quiet times she either sat on my lap or cocooned herself in her blanket. Wish I had a photo of that.

And onto one of the reasons I've been so quiet lately. Not only did I get a sinus infection but hello allergies!! Took these photos on the way to get a cinnamen bun. Enoy.


Anonymous said...

So much spring! It's quite amazing.

One of our cats and one of our dogs get acne on their chins if we feed them in any plastic bowls. It's ceramic or stainless steel all the time around here. :)

AngelaRae said...

Holy crap it's beautiful out there! And here I've been happy to just see the sun again. :)

It's great that the kitties are getting along better. I have a cat with an allergy to plastic, so we are also a stainless steel bowl household.

rachel said...

i can't believe spring is here already! i hope you are feeling better soon - Lala continues to be gor-geous!

Louisa said...

Are you sure Lala isn't related to my late-lamented Ms. Polly Manytoes? We adopted out 3 of her 5 kittens (two tuxedos and one tabby girl) who carried both the manx (from tuxedo dad) and polydactyl (from tabby mom) genes. You never know!