Even though today was spent with no lunch hour, no recess, getting to school two hours early and leaving five hours late, endless meetings, and all these other things that I won't get into, and even though the custodian was mean to me, and one of my friends was rude to me, and I locked my purse in the filing cabinet, and my shoes pinched my toes, there was still one thing awesome about my day.
My mom.
Thanks for calling to check in on me Mom. You're pretty awesome.
Oh sweetie! I'm so glad your mom was there to make you feel better. :)
Sorry about the day sucking. But yay for mom!
Thank you, honey. This week, especially, my daughters have been in my thoughts so much. I am so unbelievably fortunate and not a day goes by that I am not thankful. Love Mom
i think it's actually worth quoting mom's statement from last night on the phone:
"having my girls all around this month has been like fucking christmas!"
love you too mom!
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