Saturday, June 24, 2006

People Suck

So you ever have those dejavu moments? Where you are like... 'wow, am I back in high school?' because people are being so bloody immaturingly mean to you? In a little gang? They've all voted you off their friend list? Now, if it was high school, sure, I would sink to their level and write something nasty about them on the bathroom wall but no. I know now that there are things in life that just aren't worth it.

It's not so much them because I mean -ew- but it does make for a really crappy day and I keep on thinking there is something I need to do, not to them, but something I need to do for myself that will instantly make this crappy feeling go away. Well, I have some ideas but none of them are attainable, like gathering today my Harem friends (don't ask) for drinks at M. But it's this nagging feeling like part of me knows what to do but my cognitive part can't remember. Very odd.


Annika said...

Feeling like that stinks. Knitting helps. xxoo

The Bears said...

Stoopid people. We're sorry. Sitting in the middle of a big pile of Bears helps.

*many Bears hugs*

jenn said...

Yeah, my offer to go throw rocks through their windows probably is a bit off base.

Eileen said...

I'm sorry people are acting like children. You can always take the moral high ground that you're more mature than them, but it doesn't help with the immediate feelings of suckiness.

AngelaRae said...

I'm sorry people suck. I hope a couple of days has made a difference in how you're feeling. Failing that, paint your toenails with something sparkly.