Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Week IV

So week IV of exercise was a success. I worked out four times in one week period which means I get my reward of a new knitting magazine. So after work Jenn is taking me to Books & Company to get it. Very excited. I have so been blowing off the school work, well, not totally true. I've been reading chapters but not anything else. I'm knitting like a crazy person which is great. I went to the yarn store yesterday to pick up yarn I needed to finish a project (my colour was gone so that has posed a tiny problem but I'm improvising) and to get instructions for my Mom on how to block her shawl. There was so much yarn! Darlene recieved her original shipment plus three backordered shipments she had ordered in July! There is this one yarn called Noro that I adore, and it felts up so nicely and is 100% wool and very warm, this is the yarn I call 'kitten' because it is so freaking soft, FFF Over, and others that I can't seem to find online or can't remember the name of. I also just got to school and I have two hours and because I thought I would be taking the bus home because I didn't know Jenn was leaving early I didn't bring anything with me besides my notebook so I don't actually have any work to do.... so I'm blogging. And I feel bad because I'm sure everyone else (well, maybe not everyone else) is working on papers (which I should be), or researching (which I'm not because I decided to write the extra final instead of the doing a paper because Kyle is a ridicously hard marker of papers and I have undisturbed five days before the final in which to study) and I'm blogging and looking up yarn online. Heh. That's so great.


jenn said...

I read that as Yam store. And then I thought, "hey I didn't know she went to the yam store yesterday."

Then I thought, "do we even HAVE a yam store in town?"

Then I thought, "I'm insane."

The Bears said...

Oooh! I like the Nooroo yarn. I'm looking forward to the next time I visit so I can hold the yarn for you again while you knit. I liked helping you knit.

OK Bye

Julia said...

good for you honey

i've been trying to exercise more again. i've gone 3 days out of the past 4. woo hoo. i like, totally blasted my quads today.

Melly said...

Yay for exercising 4 times. Yay for knitting. Yay you.