Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pizza pops for breakfast? Okay!

Can you tell I am at my parents? I have done lots of marvellous things since arriving, all of them stress free. Mostly though, I've done lots of knitting and lots of reading about knitting. Module Magic by Ginger Luters is excellent! I've also flipped through Unexpected Knitting by Debbie New, which is good and interesting and all, I just find it a little... preachy. Has anyone else read that one? So I decided to use my hand spun hand dyed 100% angora goat for the first time I've ever knitted using modules. After I started I was like... this was not a good idea; however, so far, no mistakes to speak off. I am very tired, I started this post quite awhile ago but have know chatted on the phone for an hour and have found myself quite fatigued. I will write more about my fabulous time at home but just quickly list some of the fun stuff I have done (cause I like lists)
  • Went for a walk with Mom
  • Finished two of the three 'cousin' scarves
  • Bought vintage knitting magazine for quarters!
  • Gone shopping at the good ol' mall here and got pretty pretty shoes for work (easter present)
  • watched Lord of the Rings trilogy (the first two on TBS but the third was rented)
  • helped Mom with some of her teacher stuff
  • eaten tonnes of good food (like cookies and easter bunnies and pizza pops) and eaten tonnes of good food (like squash and corn and baked veggies and homemade veggie chili and veggie lasagna)
  • played the original sims (heh)
  • went to a local restaurant/pub with a dear friend and had lots of fun drinks (remind me to tell you about the orgasm story)
  • not once have I slept in past 9 am!
  • Had lots of coffee at the most wonderful coffee cafe ever
  • Went to the yarn store and bought 30$ worth of yarn for only 16$ and resisted (just barely) buying a 75$ set that included hand spun fingering weight wool dyed candy soft pink in smooth and in loopy (I lack knowing the proper name or title of this yarn) from NS

And now, even though I'm sure I've forgotten lots of things, I retire. Bonne nuit!


Annika said...

Yarn yarn yarn! I need one thing but I'm afraid to go to the yarn store because everything is so delicious.

Annika said...

Yarn yarn yarn! I need one thing but I'm afraid to go to the yarn store because everything is so delicious.

jenn said...

Well now that you have come home and shown me the yarn, I can say that it is most BEYOOOTEFUL!