10:30pm Wednesday evening~ realize that I didn't clean all day and now have to rush to do things. Scoop kitty litter and realize, too late, that Spike mistook kitty litter container for kitty litter box (honest mistake, and totally my fault for leaving it open), but much badness ensues.
10:45 pm~ spend about five minutes trying to do something about the bathtub drain so I can shower. Hurt my fingernails trying to fix it but it refuses, so don't shower.
11:00 pm~ realized at this point my dinner really upset me and take the last of my peptobismal, but my tummy is making such unhappy noises Spike is giving it the evil eye.
12:00am Wednesday night~ so not sleeping, tummy still upset, the rain is freakishly loud.
1:00am~ still not asleep. Cannot decide if I'm too hot or too cold. Wonder if I'll prefer an old-age home in an apartment like style or a heritage house.
2:00 am to 6am Tuesday morning~ fade in and out. Wake up every time the weather changes or someone opens or closes a door anywhere in the apartment. When alarm goes off, press snooze. Repeat.
6:30am~ wake up 30 minutes late, but don't care. Realize shower is still broken, shower anyways. Forget to bar cat from bathroom and he jumps into the bathtub with water still slowly draining from it (that was kinda pretty funny actually).
7:00am~ decide to change clothing no less than three times. Decide to buy lunch today as left-overs from last night seems less than desirable and besides, I'm out of pepto bismal.
7:30am~ run for bus in heels. Probably entertaining others.
8:00am~ get to school and see that there's been a rescheduling and Wednesday's meeting is now today at lunch in the staff room.
8:15~ realize that despite your best efforts, sweater is somehow still covered in cat hair. Remove sweater. Shirt is stained. Spend another five minutes removing the rest of the cat hair from sweater and spend all day in sweater.
8:30 to 3:00~ day is pretty okay. Kids were fun, we learned about our teeth, played with toothbrushes and toothpaste, and I ate two cupcakes and had some goat cheese on crackers during the staff meeting.
3:30pm Thursday afternoon~ fall in the rain while on my way to see Jubbers.
4:00 pm to 6:30pm~ sees that when my sister spends all day at home she keeps things tidy, is productive, makes kimchi, AND makes aaaaaaamazing cabbage lasagna. Yesterday I started watching a new TV show. I am fail.
6:45 to 8:00 pm Thursday evening~ realize on my way to knitting I don't have any knitting on me. Go anyways to pick something up. Not there. Decide to go grocery shopping instead. Can't remember what I need. Get home, remember I needed light bulbs and butter. No toast or reading in bed for me tonight.
Seriously though, I'm totally fine. I'm just rolling with things. It's almost comical. And it's funny because last night, I swear at 10:30 I had this premonition, and I was like... something's off. And I just decided instead of getting upset, just going with it. Glad I did. I mean, lots of good things too! Just all these little things adding up... bizarre.
Half an hour to go people! Half an hour to go. I'm staying away from hot liquid, sharp objects, or texts.
you didn't mention the cupcakes i made tonight.
Okay, it is 11:25! Whew!!
Such a wonderful blog Leone. Very funny! Hope today was slightly less eventful.
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