Friday, November 06, 2009

Phlegmy Friday

I swear I'm producing my body weight in snot every hour.


I like spinning but some times it takes too long and I'm not very good at it. But I really enjoy it. And I like what I produce even if it's not really perfect at all. I like it all wobbly and mishmash (also my favorite kind of bagel). I don't even want to ply the current stuff so I'm researching how to navajo ply on my drop spindle. I just like how it looks. All... natural-y. And it's not just me saying that because I want an excuse to suck! I'm hoping to get better and stuff but I really really do like what I'm making right now. I'm hoping to knit a very simple shawl out of it so it showcases the yarn. Also I love my turkish drop spindle. Check it out.
Full of yarn...
remove the stick...
remove one doo-hickey part...
remove the other and voila! Ball of centre pull yarn!

I'm soooo close to finishing the yarn....
so. close.



Anonymous said...

Okay the snot thing - not a pretty picture! But the wool thing - beautiful! Hope you are feeling better hon. Love Mom

AngelaRae said...

Obviously the Turkish drop spindle is what I have been missing! Never mind that I have 2 other spindles and a wheel.

So pretty! I also love the imperfectness of handspun yarn.